Sunday 18 April 2010

This can make one Man Crying

Silent under the Dim light, Blind by the smooth sound.

Died under the Devil wings but Live on an Angel horns

May God bless 

                   Where is our love.

I'm either not perfect nor too good. We, human, are making mistakes.
Just to remind me, myself and myfriend.
Just to remind me, myself and myfriend.
Just to remind me, myself and myfriend.

Hukuman berat wajar dikenakan kepada pesalah yang membuang bayi

Kes-kes melibatkan pembuangan bayi telah mendominasi dada-dada akhbar dewasa ini. Hari ke hari, ada saja kes baru. Ianya telah menjadi seakan-akan sebuah aktiviti biasa di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.
Jika dulu masyarakat tergempar dengan kes pembuangan bayi, kini tidak lagi.

Mereka menganggap ia perkara biasa kerana telah dihidangkan dengan berita tersebut saban hari.
Perkara inilah yang paling dikhuatiri apabila manusia sudah mula hilang timbang rasa dan kemanusian.

Lantas, tindakan dan langkah penting harus dilakukan bagi mengelakkan perkara ini dari terus berleluasa dan semakin menjadi kebiasaan di kalangan masyarakat kita. Terdahulu, media melaporkan bahawa terdapat 17,303 orang anak luar nikah di daftarkan pada tahun 2009.

Daripada kes buang bayi dalam plastik, dalam botol, sehinggalah ada yang dibakar di tempat pembuangan sampah semuanya semakin merisaukan.

Apa lagi yang harus dilakukan oleh kerajaan untuk membendung gejala ini?
Adakah hukuman maksimum 2 tahun penjara yang dipraktikkan sekarang masih tidak cukup untuk mengelakkan masalah ini dari terus berlaku?

Ketika ini, bagi kebanyakan kes buang bayi, pesalah hanya disabitkan mengikut Seksyen 318 Kanun Keseksaan kerana menyembunyikan kelahiran yang boleh membawa hukuman 2 tahun penjara atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali. Atau adakah hukuman-hukuman yang lebih berat seperti gantung sampai mati wajar diwujudkan supaya mereka ini lebih takut untuk melakukan kesalahan?

‏قَالَ النَّبِيُّ ‏ ‏صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ‏ ‏كُلُّ مَوْلُودٍ يُولَدُ عَلَى الْفِطْرَةِ فَأَبَوَاهُ يُهَوِّدَانِهِ أَوْ يُنَصِّرَانِهِ أَوْ يُمَجِّسَانِهِ َ

Hadis ini menyebutkan bahawa seorang bayi itu dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah (bersih akidahnya).
Maka kedua ibubapanya yang akan menjadikannya (kerana asuhan dan didikan) yahudi atau nasrani atau majusi.

Ini menunjukkan bahawa bayi adalah anugerah dari Allah yang harus disyukuri. Perbuatan membuang bayi bukan sahaja merosakkan sesuatu kaum, tetapi melibatkan pembunuhan seorang insan yang tak berdosa. Oleh itu, saya bersetuju bahawa hukuman berat wajar dikenakan kepada mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini.

Jika hukuman mati mandatori dikenakan kepada pembunuh, mengapa hukuman seperti ini tidak diaplikasi kepada pesalah pembuang bayi. Ini kerana, perbuatan ini juga salah satu daripada bentuk pembunuhan. Malah, mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini lebih kejam daripada pembunuh.

Apakah salah bayi-bayi yang baru dilahirkan ini? Mereka tidak berdosa, mereka berhak hidup dibelai dan dimanja sepeti kanak-kanak yang lain.
Jika hukuman mati mandatori ini diperlaksanakan, pelaku zina mungkin akan menjadi lebih takut untuk melakukan perbuatan terkutuk tersebut.

Islam mengharamkan zina dengan dalil yang jelas di dalam al Quran, Surah al Isra, ayat 32 :

Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan)
Umum diketahui masalah, pembuangan bayi bermula daripada zina, oleh itu, penekanan hukuman berat terhadap pelaku zina juga dapat membantu menangani gejala tak bermoral ini.

Umpama menghalang nasi sebelum menjadi bubur, hukuman kepada pelaku zina ini dapat mengatasi masalah pembuangan bayi .Pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan hari ini dilihat sebagai punca utama meningkatnya kes pembuangan bayi.

Jadi masalah ini harus dibendung dari akar masalah supaya ianya tidak berlanjutan. Hukuman bagi pesalah zina ini harus diselesaikan dengan cara Islam dan bukannya cara sekular. Islam menggariskan bahawa hukuman bagi penzina terbahagi kepada dua jenis, iaitu samada sudah berkahwin, atau belum berkahwin. Orang yang berkahwin dikenakan hukuman rejam sehingga mati, manakala orang yang belum berkahwin dikenakan sebat sebanyak 100 kali, dan dibuang negeri.

Namun apabila kes zina tidak diselesaikan dengan cara Islam, inilah yang membuat pesalah zina tersebut lebih berani serta menyebabkan kes pembuangan bayi makin meruncing. Pemerintah dan kerajaanlah yang bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan hukuman ini sebetulnya. Kegagalan melakukannya boleh dianggap sebagai jenayah bagi pihak kerajaan itu sendiri. Selaras dengan itu, kerajaan harus memperbanyakkan lagi kempen seperti “Kami Prihatin” yang telah dilakukan bagi menyematkan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap remaja kita.

Kita sebagai seorang Islam seharusnya sedar tentang dosa membuang dan menamatkan nyawa seorang insan. Jika seberat mana pun hukuman dijalankan di dunia ini, berat lagi hukuman yang akan diterima di akhirat kelak. Jadi hukuman di akhirat dan seksa neraka itu sendiri sepatutnya sudah cukup untuk mengelakkan kita dari terjebak dengan masalah ini. Tetapi sayangnya ada antara kita yang tidak mengamalkan cara hidup Islam yang betul, lantas tidak hairan hukuman di akhirat tersebut tidak menginsafkannya. Berilah peluang bayi tersebut menjalani kehidupan seperti bayi-bayi lain.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

My Third Post

Drugs used among students/teenagers

Drugs are the common problems in all develop country. Including Malaysia, drugs has contributes to the social change in our community. Drugs user always related to the crime, violence and deviance. Research also shows adolescence that used drugs will turn to unusual or different behaviour from usual, anger towards others, mood swings, drop in school, and dropping out of regular activities, for example sport.

There are lot types of drug in our market. The most famous among students are Ecstasy, Marijuana, Syabu, Special K and many more. Each of the drugs gave different satisfaction to the user. Ecstasy can give happiness and energy if the user wanted to enjoy the music in a party. While marijuana more to the inner satisfaction like you feel calm, enjoy to laughed and feel relaxed.

Most students don't think that they will become addicted, and simply use drugs to have a good time or desperate about the next examination. When students become addicted they lose friends, develop health problems, start to fail in school, experience memory loss, lose motivation, and alienate their family and friends with their negative behaviors and often unpredictable emotional swings.

Students who are addicted won't see a problem with their behavior or their drug use. Drugs make them feel good, and can give a way to relieve the stress of school, problems at home, disagreements with friends, and other pressures of growing up. They also can feel the calmness when drugs effect can removed the feeling of nervous. This kind of situation is always applied in the examination or presentation. Other than that, drugs like syabu can give student extra energy to stay up late and more focused in the class.

Because we live in a drug-taking society, the concern about drugs is raising especially when drugs can harm the society and lead to negative effect in our nation. Students are the generation that will lead the country in the future. Therefore, it is very important to ensure and stop the generation from drug abuse. We must look deep in the problem to determine the factors that influence the drug abuse among students. We also must understand the primary effects that leads student to use drug and try to discover where the supplies come from.

Here are some tips from parents, peer and family to know a change about student used drug and the reason.

Why do teenagers use drugs?

Some parents think that young people only use drugs if they are depressed or have problems at home or school. Understanding some of the reasons may help parents to appreciate the many pressures with which teenagers are faced.
Some of the reasons are:
• Ordinary reasons, such as having fun or doing something different
• Availability access to drugs in not necessarily difficult. It’s usually through other young people, friends or older peers
• Curiosity and experimentation, I wanted to see what it was like
• Acceptance by peer group, Most of my friends were doing it
• Rebellion, Because you don’t approve, or said, No
• Depression, I just wanted to feel better
• Confidence and self-esteem, I wanted to feel better about myself
• Relaxation or coping with stress, boredom or pain, All my problems disappeared for a while
• Experience of a high liked the feeling
• Example you set what sort of behaviour do you model? If you use drugs don’t be surprised if your child follows.

Parents who know their children well will notice any sudden change in behaviour that might be a sign that something is wrong.
These changes include:

• unusual or different behaviour from usual
• Silence, sulking, or anger towards others
• Mood swings
• more than usual lack of cooperation and rudeness
• Very little time being with or talking with the family
• Drop in school work, or truancy
• dropping out of regular activities, for example sport
• Change of friends, unexplained or sudden change to a new group of friends
• Changes in physical appearance, for example reddened eyes
• eating problems
• Lack of energy, tired all the time
• Valuable items or money missing at home.

Don’t jump to conclusions! Think about all the possible reasons for a change in behaviour:

• Is it due to a sudden growth spurt, or changes due to puberty?
• Are there problems at school or with friends?
• Are things going on within your family that could be affecting your teenager?

Remember that there are many reasons other than drugs that might be the cause of these changes.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Product Review

Canon S90
In this new era of technology, people often try to capture the best moment in their life.  Weather it sad, happy, dull and bright, the picture of this moment can bring back the sadness or happiness in our experience.  I believe we face lot of barriers to pursue our dream.  The journey is too long.  No matter what happen, neither we achieved the dream nor still chasing what we want, we must look back in order to be a better person and finding the real meaning in our life.  So, bring back the tears or smile in our journey with good quality….

Different with lot of compact camera offered in market, Canon S90 offers lot of manual setting that gives satisfaction especially to SLR user.  Off course, it’s not covers all setting function in DSLR camera, but it still worth because it is compact!!! In addition, the manual setting in the camera is almost the same with Canon DSLR camera.

This neat and chic SLR backup is an alternative for quicker use.  The S90 have a pocket-sized body which make it easy to carry.  It also has a 3.8x zoom and the lens has a maximum aperture of f/2 at the wide angle end.  The lenses capabilities still remain standard but still give a good performance though.

The format of saves file in S90 is RAW.  It means you must use Canon’s Digital Photo Professional RAW conversion/editing software to operate the file.  It sounds unfriendly but the positive side is, it can convert the file larger than JPG.

Other than that, there is LCD screen in the back with rotary controller on the right.  While on the top, there’s a mode dial, shutter button/zoom switch, power button and “ring function” button.  The ring can be used to adjust the ISO, EV and white balance or operate a step zoom.  What makes it more creative is the ring function can make user adjust the setting in a moment.

The S90 10 Megapixel capabilities make the performance of the camera really vital.  Plus, the smaller body and “not-a-headache” setting, the camera seems very good to me.  Night or interior picture also could be capture attractively because the camera gives a setting of ISO to 3200. 

From Victor Chin review, the editor of Digital Camera Magazine, “Small camera mean small lenses, and this generally brings more distortion, chromatic aberration and edge softness.  Not here.  In Fact, the S90 seems to produce less barrel distortion than the G11 (the other competitor of compact camera).  There’s little or no chromatic aberration, the definition at the edges of the frame is as good as it is at the centre, and it doesn’t soften up at full zoom, unlike most compacts.  It might be small, but the S90 lens is absolutely the first division.”

To beginner like me, S90 can give a fully satisfaction.  Even, the professional photographer said, the friendly use of S90 can make user more comfortable with well organized function.  But, I admit it have a few weaknesses, especially when we try to understand the system for the first time.  But it just takes a day to fully understand the whole camera.  In repay, with various mood, S90 will cover the whole story of your never ending journey…

credit to for the picture

10 Megapixels, 1/1.7-inch
f/2 – 4.9
SD/SDHC, None supplied
ISO range
80, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200
Shutter Speed
1/1600 to 15 sec
P, A, S, M, Low Light, Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene, Night Snapshot, Kids and Pets, Indoor, Sunset, Foliage, Snow, Beach, Fireworks, Aquarium, Underwater, Color Accent, Color Swap, Nostalgic, Stitch Assist
Battery life
200 Shots

All images of the Canon S90 product was taken from
Credit to them

Victor Chin.  (2010, February/March). Digital Camera Magazine

Saturday 30 January 2010


My name is Mohd Zikri bin Musa and this year I will turn to twenty-two. It is my first post and also an introduction from me. I was born in Taman Seri Gombak and raised by my parents with full of love, good education and religious activity. I have five siblings and I’m the last one in the family. The last one not means I’m treated like the ‘special one’ by my parents. In our culture, the last siblings is always assume as a diamond in the family. It is totally different with my childhood experience. I always being hit by my parents, my three sisters and also get a kung-fu-style kicked by my brother. I remember when I asked my parent a bicycle as a present for my 9th birthday. Unfortunately, I wait until three years to receive my present- by get locked in a toilet for six hours. Yeah, I get my first and last bicycle. Three months later, my bike stranded in my back yard. After that I realized why my parents not too excited to buy me a thing. I don’t know how to appreciated what people gave me.

Under the lame light is the title of this post because I want all readers knows that life will not going to be good if you have full of light; when you can see everything. Here is the example, when you see a trap in a forest you will avoid it, but you will never know a feeling of being trapped or how to get away from it. I prefer to know the trap because when we talk about life, we are talking about getting trap. Life is so tricky. Either you play or being played. What i'm trying to say here is, you will not making a mistake after you learn it in your past experience. 

Other than that, I also want to share with all of you a feeling under this lame light. I have been in the situation once.  It was in SMK Hillcrest, my high school. It is the lamest memory I ever had. I will do whatever it takes to get rid the memory out of my mind. I am a super looser. Back there, my close friend is my white guitar. It was a handmade sprayed. Her name is Amber because I don’t remember when I bought it. Maybe it was in September, October, November or December 2002. I just figured out that name a year later after all my best friend have girlfriends.  Amber is the only thing that brings good memories for me. She's cool.  I remember one night Amber comes in my dream.  She's dress like a "Village Girl" with a white scarf.  We having a date at a beach.  It was a beautiful scenery, I have no idea where Amber brings me.  Next day when I woke up, Amber standing near to me and I give her a morning kiss.  Yes. I'm a freak, I have told you I was a looser.  That's why I hate to share with readers my personal life.

(Dont try to get my guy, we having serious relationship since Zikri got a rubbish PMR result- Amber)

Back to the introduction of the blog, I would like to explain why I choose this blog title “Writing is a part of abstract”. I believe as a writer(or blogger), we must influence our society.  I also believe a small group of people is an abstract that create a bigger society. Since everyone can have their own blog, it is people (who have blog) responsibility to interact with their own community. Try to imagine if we can have a good writer 1 out of 30 people. With this figures, writer can influence society and we can create a younger people with full of knowledge.  This younger people, including ourselves, can give benefit to control nowadays social problem.  At least, we can reduce the amount of cases among teenagers and create a healthy generation when we get older.

Lastly, a minor problem that i saw in our society is boy don't like to read rather than girl.  It is weird because my passion in reading comes after finishing high school. I don’t know why it should be like this. There is no influence for a male teenager to love reading. One of the problem that I see is, all books in our market are focus on academic or romantic. Why there is no book about life as a teenager or book about fight that can attract boy to read it. We also lack a book that translated in Malay. I dont want to see another boy be like me.  It is quite late for me to discover my passion.  Base on facts, reading can lead us to something we interested.  No matter literature, art, or anything.  It help us decide where is the right path for us to go.  So, with the creation of this blog, I hope it’s not just for my beautiful lecturer, Miss Mimi. I really hope together we can think how to influence our teenager to love reading and encourage them to understand more about writing.

So, see you next time in the next post.  I really hope you can leave your comment or critics on my post.  Maybe it can help me improve and  generate new idea.  Thank You for your time.  Assalamualaikum.
(I still finding a right path, you can help by lead me to the glorious journey)

Thursday 21 January 2010

tester twister

down set hut, hut, hike